Ways to Practice Mindful Eating

Practice Mindful Eating

In addition to following a natural, balanced, and varied diet, it is good to eat with awareness. But what does this mean?

Eating with awareness means privileging healthy eating habits, but also controlling thoughts and emotions

We must always keep in mind that emotions affect every aspect of our life, including food. In light of this, it is good to develop a better awareness of meals, since a conscious diet consists in eating healthily and correctly, enjoying food, and fully appreciating it, so as to be consistent with all the effects that each food can have. on the body.

A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that distracted and superficial eating leads to the consumption of more food, with obvious repercussions on weight.

The first positive aspect of eating with awareness, therefore, is that it helps to keep fit. If you want to adopt new and healthier eating habits, don’t miss this article. We will show you how paying more attention to what we eat helps you achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

5 habits for conscious eating

What we present below are some habits that allow you to eat with awareness

  1. Listen to the body

Usually, great importance and preference are given to listening to one’s mind. But, as many mindfulness practices teach, we can understand when is the ideal time to eat if we keep the channels of communication open with our bodies.

We suggest, therefore, not to eat only when you receive emotional signals, of whatever nature they are (stress, sadness, frustration, loneliness, or simply boredom), but listen to your body before doing so. The stomach rumbles, do we feel tired or a little lightheaded?

If you want to learn to eat mindfully, you need to get used to noticing the physical signals associated with hunger and satiety sent by the body.

  1. Plan your meals in advance

Even preparing meals in advance can make sense of nutrition. When developing a recipe, it is done with extreme care, trying to include all food groups. This is not the case when cooking a dish at the last minute, in a superficial, haphazard, and hasty way.

Planning regular meals allows you to give your body a steady pace with which to eat. This will also attribute calm and tranquility to this moment, which, don’t forget, is also sharing with family, friends, or co-workers. All this will allow the body to process the ingested nutrients with greater efficiency, improving the sensations and flavors of each food.

Of course, the dishes shouldn’t be too elaborate. The secret is to include a variety of nutrients and flavors

  1. Sit down and enjoy your food calmly

While it may seem like an obvious and trivial suggestion, think about how often you find yourself eating while walking down the street or while you are busy with another activity.

Although it may seem like an obvious and trivial suggestion, think calming your nerves is essential to enjoying a healthy diet

  1. Try to identify each ingredient for conscious eating

Focus on all the flavors in your mouth and how they interact with each other, as well as smells and flavors. This will help you twice: on the one hand, to enjoy food and, on the other hand, to eat more slowly (overcoming stress ). An added benefit of this technique is that it also helps you be more creative in the kitchen.

We invite you to identify each ingredient when you sit down at the table. It can be a very fun challenge, for example when you try a new dish.

  1. Eat slowly

The last habit you will need to learn in order to eat with awareness is the timing of meals. Eating calmly, slowly, chewing without haste, will produce many benefits to the body, which is always used to running.

The brain needs time to understand that we are eating and to tell the body that it needs to activate the metabolism and register when it is full. Few people know that it takes about 20 minutes for the mind to be aware of the stomach’s satiety. Interesting, right?

We advise you to eat slowly and listen to the body to instantly perceive when it is necessary to stop ingesting food. A trick to lengthen meal times is to talk to friends and diners, marking a less frenetic pace.

We advise you to eat slowly of We will notice a gradual reduction in stress levels, better digestion, weight loss

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