Healthiest Foods – Best Healthy Foods to Eat

We all have some notions of what food types should not be missing in our pantry if we want to eat in the best possible way. But in general, they are somewhat vague notions of which ones give us what or whether consuming a certain food can avoid the risks of contracting certain diseases.

The nutritionists are clear and if you look at the recommendations, we will see that many agree on foods that should be part of our daily menu. Some are as obvious as vegetables, legumes, nuts or olive oil, which have been part of our eating for centuries. There are others less known in this part of the world, whose consumption has facilitated globalization, and those that have just arrived and are postulated as a new food trend.

Best Healthy Foods to Eat

Coconut oil
It is one of the superfoods preferred by nutritionists. First of all, for its versatility. They recommend taking a tablespoon each day (122 calories and 13.6 from fat, 12 of them saturated). Due to this, it has been questioned to what extent it is healthy, but what actually happens is that it increases the levels of good cholesterol and reduces the risk of coronary heart disease. It contains lauric acid, which has antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiviral properties.

Olive oil
It is anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective. A daily tablespoon is enough, according to experts, to notice the effects, which increase as the dose is increased. It is the best way to take a soluble fiber, beta-glucan, which helps reduce glucose levels and bad cholesterol. You have to take it after keeping it in water for a while because in contact with it is when these properties emerge.

They are a source of vitamins A and E, which protect the skin against free radical damage. Olives also help to strengthen connective tissues, which tones and protects from grape rays. Due to their high content of monosaturated fats, they are especially recommended for the heart as it reduces the risk of contracting arteriosclerosis. Another of its components are flavonoids, with anti-inflammatory properties.

Swiss chard
It is distinguished from the other by its red stem. It is one of the healthiest green leafy vegetables, among other things for cardiovascular strength and to maintain healthy bones. It is an important vitamin K source, basic for bone development, as it injects calcium into them and helps them absorb it. One cup contains 374% of the RDA. All green leaves are very healthy, especially if eaten raw in a salad.

It may seem like a no-brainer, but you drink less than you should. Proper hydration is vital to many body functions. If you lack water, you feel fatigued and a thick head and other symptoms mistaken for hunger. When dieting, it is essential, among other things, to fill the stomach.

Every nutritionist worth his salt has it on his daily menu. It provides vitamin C, essential for the proper functioning of the immune system and is extremely versatile. It can be added to many dishes and even eaten as a sandwich, or just with a little salt and pepper. And another of its great advantages is that it provides more than 40% of the daily fiber dose that we need.

Nutritionists point out the antibacterial properties of garlic. It has sulfur components that help purify the cellular system, strengthen joints and connective tissues, and optimize blood vessels’ elasticity. It provides antioxidants, such as manganese, vitamin C and selenium, powerful inflammation reducers.

It is a superfood and has some similarities to quinoa, as they both look like cereals but are not. Amaranth is the seed of the plant of the same name, very rich in protein and calcium. It is cooked like rice, but it can also be eaten raw. It is suitable for celiacs, as it does not contain gluten and its positive effects have been studied to reduce the incidence of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and strokes.

Blueberries are high on nutritionally interesting food lists. They are rich in minerals and vitamins, associated, with other red fruits, to reduce the chances of contracting chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular ones. It is said to be protective against some types of cancer. They provide vitamin C and fiber.

Sweet potatoes
Although they are quite starchy, they are also rich in beta-carotene, essential for maintaining healthy skin and eyes. They are a good source of fiber and are recommended as substitutes for potatoes, even fried ones.

Chia seeds
Its seeds are the major carriers of omega 3 fatty acids and fiber in proportion to their weight. They have a considerable amount of plant-based protein and are an alternative to carbohydrates, which is considered good for weight loss. The most common is to mix them with yogurt or in a salad vinaigrette, but there are other culinary possibilities.

It is an alkaline food, which has been linked to higher bone density and its reduction in women after menopause. Provides vitamin K and absorbable calcium; magnesium, a natural painkiller, folic acid, necessary for pregnant women, and fiber, which helps you lose weight if you diet. It also contains carbinols-nature-3, to eliminate the excess of estrogen that causes the growth of the breasts and the belly in men.

Pumpkin hummus
Considered a superfood, it is very effective for eye health. It provides large amounts of vitamins A, C and E, very effective antioxidants, and good for your eyesight. Whole grains. They keep the intestine healthy, control glucose levels and help you feel full when you diet, with hardly any calories.

Brussels sprouts
The time in which we are is ideal for incorporating them into the menu. They are perfect antioxidants, thanks to vitamin A, important for eye health, and C. They contain lutein and zeaxatin, nutrients that could reduce the risks of eye diseases such as macular degeneration. Just one cup of this vegetable offers 100% vitamins C and K, which prevents blood clots and strengthens bones.

When it comes to nutrient density (nutrients per calorie), this plant ranks first. It is rich in vitamins A and C, which act as protectants and cleaners for the liver and gallbladder. You can eat the young leaves in the field, making sure they are not treated with insecticides.

They contain many proteins, healthy fats, fiber and anti-inflammatory polyphenols, but above all, omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids. They control blood pressure, guarantee greater cardiovascular health and better cholesterol levels.

Its digestive properties are ancestral. Thanks to a component called gingerol, it facilitates intestinal transit and prevents nausea and vomiting. That same substance is an effective anti-inflammatory.

This red fruit is an excellent antioxidant, our best defense against ailments caused by free radicals. Some studies certify that it contributes to weight loss. Eggs Taken whole, they provide choline, a basic nutrient for cognitive function, metabolism, and lipid transport. If they come from free-range hens, they are rich in omega 3.

Of Asian origin, experts predict that it will not be one of the most appreciated fruits by those in favor of healthy eating. It can be of considerable size and its meat is very consistent. Very sweet and rich in flavor, it has plenty of vitamins and minerals but no saturated fat or cholesterol. Suppose fruits are not great carriers of vitamin B. In that case, this is an exception since it provides B6 and niacin, riboflavin and folic acid, all of which are essential to help the body convert food into energy.

Dried beans
They are not as appreciated as they should, for their low price and their properties. A large number of proteins they provide, their satiating power and the large amount of fiber they contain make them ideal for keeping weight at bay (if chorizo, blood sausage or bacon are not incorporated, of course). They also help keep blood sugar levels stable and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

It is another of the vegetables that are beginning to be seen in specialized stores. It is full of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, a substance from plants that are given beneficial properties for general health and various diseases. Phytonutrients are positive for cell function and communication and ensure that enzymatic reactions take place when they should, inside the body. In them lie the foundations of a strong immune system to fight disease.

Its seeds are the richest source of lignin and polyphenols known. Beneficial because, according to some research, lignin may reduce the risk of breast cancer, control blood sugar, and lower blood pressure. They also contain essential omega 3 fats, crucial for inflammation and heart health. Another positive effect is that it has many fibers, soluble and insoluble, which facilitate digestion and prevent constipation.

With 95% water, solid food provides the greatest amount of liquid, making it an excellent moisturizer and detoxifier, and with many vitamins. It improves digestion and as it does not add calories, it is recommended in slimming regimes and as an alternative to water when you do not feel like drinking liquids.

It is a source of phytonutrients called betalains, which are antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying.

It has protein, fiber and magnesium in good proportion. It is a very versatile food, which can become an alternative to rice, but it is also delicious as a dessert mixed with chocolate. Its proteins, also, are complete because they contain the nine essential amino acids.

Wild salmon
It is the healthiest for its contribution of omega 3, in addition to a unique combination of antioxidants, which help control inflammation and show hydrated and healthy skin.

It is the perfect moisturizer. Most of it is water, but it has electrolytes, especially potassium, essential for hydration at the cellular level. Keeps skin smooth and shiny. If you add some of the peel, you will have a good supply of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that firms the skin and delays aging. L-citrulline acts as a vasodilator and facilitates oxygen to the body’s cells and brightens the skin. Lycopene, also present in red tomatoes, helps in collagen production and protects against the harmful effects of grape rays.

It provides us with polyphenols, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. For that reason, it is considered to be beneficial for cardiovascular health. And also for sight, teeth, bones and cognitive faculties. In its natural form (that is, unsweetened), it is low in calories and lacks sugar and sodium.

Greek yogurt
Provides probiotics, protein, and calcium. Probiotics are good bacteria that live in the intestines. The balance between these and the harmful ones keeps the digestive system healthy and promotes immunity. Its proteins are very suitable for the muscles and to replace those of animal origin. And calcium is good for the bones.